Building Community at Tourmaline: Connect & Grow Together
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Creating Community at Tourmaline

Creating Community at Tourmaline
The idea of Tourmaline Collective came from our experiences as mothers and midwives. We saw firsthand how challenging it was for families to find collaborative holistic care. While finding their way with a new body, baby and world, we saw when we would refer out, sometimes clients came back well supported, other times they were sent away or not seen. Sometimes we saw clients disrespected because their choices or belief systems about health and mothering are misaligned with their provider. This often created a barrier to care,  whether we referred out for an iron infusion for anemia, a pelvic floor therapist for pain, or a lactation consultant for tongue tie, time and time again we saw big gaps in our referral systems.
We are trying to eliminate these gaps by offering all these services to our community of families under one roof (ok technically two roofs, @cafeoflife, very close together). Regardless of our individual beliefs, or how we live our lives at home, what god we decide to pray to, what language we speak or who we vote for. We strive to provide humble, passionate, loving, individualized care, to support you in your journey.
 For example, If you need to see someone about breastfeeding, Steph @cafeoflife_chiropractic and @brittneyleighclec meet you with full hearts and a wealth of knowledge and understanding. If your are worried about tongue tie and the baby needs palate work, Steph is so passionate about it, she will work with you to really see if you and your babe will benefit from a revision. Not just because that’s her “job”, but because she knows, how important and beautiful and hard breastfeeding is. She knows that a revision is a medical procedure that is hard for both mama and baby.
If your baby is breech, our midwives will spend time with positions and stretches from @spinningbabies to help bring balance and hopefully a shift to head down. We might recommend you to Steph for chiro or Marie @gloriousbalancewellness for acupuncture and moxa, and NET. Marie is a strong, compassionate practitioner that specializes in serving other strong women, mothers, and practitioners, and she is an neuro emotional technique ninja, because sometimes we find babies right side up when mothers emotions are upside down, and breech can have an emotional component just as much as a physical one.
If your struggling with Anemia or nausea, we might refer to Steph (Chiro) or Marie (Acupuncture) as well, but we also have the resource of the knowledgeable Doctor Ashley De Luna, ND, @doctordeluna and the IV infusion clinic, and our own Tourmaline Herbal Tinctures.
If you need support and resources to bring balance to your life or your partnership, Angela Smith is our Holistic Therapist, she knows those dark places of motherhood and tools to shed light and understanding. @barefoottherapist
If your are leaking urine or concerned about pain during intimacy or just worried about what is going on “down there” Dr. Theresa is the sweetest, kindest mama. With three little ones herself, she knows about the pelvis, she knows the depths of motherhood, and how important it is that your vagina is feeling good. She also does vaginal steaming, tuning forks and cranial sacral therapy.
If you need support on your postpartum journey (FYI: we all do!) Postpartum care is not a luxury but a biological imperative, our culture is desperately lacking!  why aren’t you feeling yourself at 6, 8, 10 or 12 months postpartum because POSTPARTUM ISN’T SIX WEEKS, it can be three-plus years!) Sophia is here, to help prepare you and also support you @alchemysticwellness. Her big beautiful heart strives to anchor you in the sea of motherhood.
@francescavp is our yoga teacher, birth and postpartum doula and group facilitator, why because she LOVES it!
And there are many more that I am not mentioning here!
So…. this was a vision of creating a community. A community of families and providers, where “patients” and “practitioners”  connect. Where you know your provider has got your back, because they are invested in your wellness and also because they are living and breathing and on their own journey, and know how hard it is! They know and value how important it is to support one another.
To be seen,
to be heard,
to be held.
Thank you so much to all the beautiful families that have instilled trust in us to serve them on this beautiful, wild journey. Many of these amazing families are now coming here and teaching classes, holding groups and working with the collective to make it better, to do and offer more to our community. @thebirthseason,
We also know that there is ALWAYS space for improvement, and we come to this conversation with humility and vulnerability. We still have gaps to fill and we appreciate your insight on what and how we can fill these gaps. This conversation can be uncomfortable, but so is birthing a baby and becoming a parent.
Let us know,
Help us create an even deeper level of community.

Explore resources offered by Tourmaline Collective.